Medical Staff

Dr. Daniel Charles
Director of Charles Centro Oftalmológico.
Head of the Retina team.
Ophthalmology M.D. graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1968.
Ophthalmology Specialist.
He was a physician in Hospital Santa Lucía until 1970.
Head doctor of Hospital de Mar del Plata until 1975.
He worked as a physician for Fundación Oftalmológica Argentina between 1975 and 1995.
He was a member of the team of Dr. Ricardo Dodds and Dr. Enrique S. Malbrán from 1975 until 1989.
Since 1995 up to date, he has been founder, owner and director of Charles Centro Oftalmológico, where different professionals have been joining in gradually.
He has received a great many national and international awards.
- Founding member of Sociedad Argentina de Retina y Vítreo.
- Senior member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología.
- American Academy of Ophthalmology.
- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
- Fellow American Society of Retina Specialist.
- Postgraduate teacher in many ophthalmology courses and conferences.
- Has been a member of the governing boards of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología and Consejo Argentino de Oftalmología.
- Founder and director of Fundación Ver.
- Has published over 100 scientific papers.
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