Clinical Research

Clinical Research

We are an international clinical research center which tests last-generation medicines that improve medical care quality and offer hope to patients with diseases which currently lack treatment. We also publish our scientific work in national and international congresses, as they are a key part of knowledge advancement.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT, National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology) must approve a study before any treatment is tried in humans. Once a study is completed, the results are submitted to the FDA and the ANMAT for revision and for them to decide whether the treatment should be made available to the public.

Participating in a clinical trial means that a patient will work with our team of experts – physicians, nurses, technicians and ophthalmology photographers – with a view to studying such diseases which lack any treatment today. In other cases, the patient has the chance to access a treatment and/or medicines which are still in the trial phase and are highly promising.

In order for any patient to make an informed decision to become part of a medical investigation, they should undergo an interview with the research medical staff, which will explain in detail the best test available for them.

Most successful treatment options available today are the result of patients having taken part in a clinical trial. The benefits of engaging in clinical trials include:
  • Clinical trial participants can receive a potential useful treatment not yet available to the public at large.
  • Usually, the trial sponsor pays for the costs of examinations, tests and treatments related to the trial.
  • Participants take on an active role in their own health care.
  • During the trial, patients undergo comprehensive examination and follow-up performed by the physician and the staff.
  • Trial patients are the first to receive the new treatments if these prove to be effective.
  • Participants are involved in an important process that could result in a new treatment to help others and guarantee an ethical treatment.
  • Transportation to and from the trial site and the cost thereof may be provided.
For more information, patients can send an e-mail to
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