Medical Staff

Dr. Ignacio Gnecco
Cornea, Refractive and Cataracts Surgery Specialist
M.D. graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires (2013).
He completed his residency in Charles Centro Oftalmológico while he was attending the Advanced Ophthalmology Specialist Course at Universidad del Salvador. After his residency, he was appointed chief of residents for one year.
Since 2014 he has been contributing to the organization and performance of outreach campaigns of Fundación Ver in the provinces of Santiago del Estero, Chaco and Jujuy, providing ophthalmology assistance to low income populations.
- Member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO)
He has presented over 35 scientific papers in specialty conferences; has received 6 awards in the country and the international Rhett Buckler Award five times.
He has been part of the medical team of Charles Centro Oftalmológico since 2014 and completed the sub-specialty in anterior segment and cornea under the coordination of Dr. Nicolás Charles.
Since 2022 he has been surgery instructor for resident physicians in Charles Centro Oftalmológico.
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