Medical Staff

Dr. María de los Ángeles Rijana
General Ophthalmology
Born in 1973, she graduated as medical doctor in Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2002. She specialized in ophthalmology in Universidad Maimónides.
She received the Ophthalmology Specialist Certificate from the Secretariat of Health Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Health.
She completed her training residency in the ophthalmology division of Hospital Durand.
From 2007, she began practicing as part-time first assistant in the ophthalmology department of the School of Medicine of Universidad de Buenos Aires, in Hospital Durand.
She has been a member of the medical team of Charles Centro Oftalmológico since 2015.
- Member of Consejo Argentino de Oftalmología (CAO).
She attended a great many courses on her specialty.
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