Medical Staff

Dr. María Paz Marcote
Ocular Surface Specialist
Cornea and Refractive Surgery Specialist
M.D. graduated from Instituto Universitario Cemic (2012) and holder of an Ophthalmology Specialist degree from Universidad del Salvador.
She completed the Ophthalmology Residency in Charles Centro Oftalmológico, where she was elected chief of residents.
Member of the cornea and refractive surgery team led by Dr. Nicolás Charles.
Member of the ocular surface team; delivers the course on laser for IPL.
She specializes in ocular ecography and intraocular lens calculations.
- Member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO).
- Member of Consejo Argentino de Oftalmología (CAO).
She has presented several specialty posters, scientific research and photographs and has been awarded for some of them.
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