Medical Staff

Dr. Mercedes Rodríguez
Clinical Retina and Maculopathy Specialist
Member of the Teaching and Research Team
Member of the Clinical Research Team
M.D. graduated from Hospital Universitario Austral in Buenos Aires, in 2013. She completed her training residency in Charles Centro Oftalmológico, while she was attending the Advanced Ophthalmology Specialist Course at Universidad del Salvador.
Upon completing her residency, she was elected chief of residents. During that term she attended a fellowship in clinical retina and maculopathies with Dr. Martín Charles, and the specialization course on retina and vitreous delivered by Sociedad Argentina de Retina y Vítreo (SARyV).
Later, she attended a two-year fellowship in the Jules Stein Eye Institute of the University of California (UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA) focused on vitreous-retinal surgery and clinical research. During those two years, she was also a member of Laboratorio ARES (Advanced Robotic Eye Surgery), focused on the development of robotics in the field of vitreous-retinal surgery, in collaboration with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of UCLA.
- Member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO).
- Member of Sociedad Argentina de Retina y Vítreo (SARyV).
She has published several scientific studies related to her field. She is currently devoted to clinical retina and maculopathy and is a member of the clinic’s Teaching and Research team.
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