Medical Staff

Dr. Nicolás Charles
Co-Director of Charles Centro Oftalmológico
Head of the Cornea and Refractive Surgery Team
He specializes in cataracts surgery, refractive surgery, corneal grafting, traumatology and ocular ecography.
Dr. Nicolás Charles graduated as medical doctor with honors in Universidad del Salvador in 1998. He later completed the full ophthalmology residency in Fundación Oftalmológica Argentina Jorge Malbrán, while also attending the Ophthalmology Specialist physician course in Universidad de Buenos Aires. After his training residency, he was chief of residents for one year in the same institution.
Since 1997 he has been part of the team of Charles Centro Oftalmológico, and in 2006, together with Drs. Daniel and Martín Charles, he created Fundación Ver and the Residency Program. He is currently teacher and clinical and surgery instructor of residents in the same institution. In addition, he leads the Cornea and Refractive Surgery team and specializes in cataracts surgery, refractive surgery, corneal grafting, traumatology and ocular ecography.
- President of Excimer Láser SA.
- Member of the governing board of APTO (Pan-American Association of Ocular Trauma).
- Senior member of Consejo Argentino de Oftalmología (CAO).
- Founding member of Sociedad Argentina de Retina y Vítreo (SARyV).
- Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).
- Member of the American Society of Corneal, Refractive and Cataract Surgery (ASCRS).
- Founding member, treasurer and vice-president of Fundación Ver.
- Member of the Eye Bank Committee of SAO: 2019-2020.
- Board member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO) 2019- 2020.
- Teacher of the Ophthalmology Specialist physician course (USAL).
- Teacher of the Ophthalmology Specialist physician course (UBA).
- Teacher of the Advanced Course on Ophthalmology Surgery ( UCA/SAO) (2018).
- Coordinator of SAO’s inter-hospital grand rounds. Two-year period 2017-18.
- Board member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO). Two-year period 2015-16.
- Collaborator of the Visual Health Campaign of Consejo Argentino de Oftalmología 2000-2001/2001-2002.
- Former member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO).
- Author of over 60 scientific papers and awarded in Argentina and abroad for five of them.
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