Medical Staff

Dr. Norberto Cabrera
Retina and Cataracts Specialist
M.D. graduated with honors from Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2012. He completed his training residency in Centro Oftalmológico Charles while he was attending the course of Ophthalmology Specialist in Universidad del Salvador.
He completed a two-year fellowship in surgery with specialization in cataracts, retina and eye trauma together with Dr. Martín Charles (2016-2018) and during that time he attended Retinair International Course on Retina delivered by Sociedad Argentina de Retina y Vítreo.
He was general coordinator of the Ophthalmology service of Sanatorio Finochietto during 2018 and 2021.
Since 2019 he has been Surgical Instructor of the residency program and the retina surgery sub-specialty of Centro Oftalmológico Charles.
He currently works mainly in the areas of cataract surgery, vitreous-retinal surgery and treatment of maculopathies and other retinal disorders.
He is has a special interest in the development of specialty medical devices. In 2020 he developed a visualization system for retinal surgery, used currently in a great many ophthalmology operating rooms in our country. In 2021 he participated for the annual award of Cámara de Jóvenes Empresarios de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (JEFEBA) with his project Ocuwide® and was honored with the most voted project by the people in the Technological Development area.
- Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).
Member of Sociedad Argentina de Retina y Vítreo (SARyV). - Member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO).
- Member of Consejo Argentino de Oftalmología (CAO).
He regularly attends national and international specialty improvement conferences. He has submitted many papers and is co-author of diverse scientific presentations rewarded by different ophthalmology societies.
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