Medical Staff

Dr. Fabián Lerner
Head of the Glaucoma Team
Glaucoma Specialist
M.D. graduated with honors from the School of Medicine of Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
After completing his residency in Hospital Oftalmológico Santa Lucía in Buenos Aires, he won the George and Rosalie Hearst Fellowship scholarship granted by the Hearst Foundation and the University of California San Francisco, USA, where he completed his fellowship in cornea and glaucoma.
Other scholarships he won include: ARVO Travel Fellowship (1991), Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology-ARVO Fellowship (1994) and Lemuel Nazar in Miami University (1996).
He is Senior Professor of Ophthalmology in the School of Medical Sciences of Universidad Favaloro and has co-authored 26 books, including “Cirugía de Glaucoma” by Lerner y Parrish, published in Spanish by Edikamed, Barcelona, and in English by Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
He collaborated in the second edition of “Glaucoma Surgical Techniques”, published the by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He co-authored the book “Consenso de Cirugía de Glaucoma” of the World Glaucoma Association and the recently-published book “Glaucoma”, by Lerner, García Feijóo and Pablo Júlvez.
He is author and co-author of papers and abstracts published in refereed international journals, including “The New England Journal of Medicine”, “Ophthalmology”, “Archives of Ophthalmology”, “American Journal of Ophthalmology”, “Eye”, “Acta Ophthalmologica”, “IOVS”, “Journal of Glaucoma”, “Nature Genetics”, among others, which are essential bibliography in the field of glaucoma. He has written articles for the glaucoma sections of “Ophthalmology Times” and “Ocular Surgery News”.
He has delivered several master conferences and won several awards: the award from Curso Panamericano de Oftalmología del Cono Sur, the Adolfo Noceti-Atilio Tiscornia award from the National Academy of Medicine of Buenos Aires on two occasions; the “Achievement Award” from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the first Pan-American research award Allergan and the Pedro Lagleyze Award from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
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