Medical Staff

Dr. Lucas Viana
Neuro-Ophthalmology Specialist
M.D. graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires. He completed his ophthalmology residency in Fundación Oftalmológica Argentina Jorge Malbrán, where he was later appointed chief of residents.
He holds an Advanced Ophthalmology Specialist MD degree from Universidad de Buenos Aires and Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología.
He has been cataracts surgery instructor in Charles Centro Oftalmológico.
He attended a retina training course in the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute of Miami University, USA.
He later specialized in neuro-ophthalmology and completed a fellowship in this subspecialty in the University of British Columbia, in Canada.
He teaches in the ophthalmology specialist course of Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad del Salvador.
He has lectured in national and international courses.
- Member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO).
- Member of Club Latinoamericano de Neuroftalmología.
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