Medical Staff

Dr. Marta Storni
Head of the Plastic and Eyelid Margin Surgery Team
Oculoplastics, Tear Duct and Ocular Surface Specialist
M.D. graduated with honors from Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE).
She completed her ophthalmology residency in Hospital Bernardino Rivadavia, where she obtained the specialist degree granted by the country’s Ministry of Health. She was elected Chief of Residents upon finishing her residency.
She holds a master’s degree from Universidad Católica de Salta and an Ophthalmology Specialist degree from Universidad del Salvador (USAL).
She practiced as ophthalmologist in CEMIC and as on-call and permanent staff physician in Clínica de Microcirugía. She was also a member of the medical staff of Centro Oftalmológico del Pilar.
She currently practices in the area of oculoplastics, tear ducts and ocular surface.
- Senior Member of Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO).
- Member of Consejo Argentino de Oftalmología (CAO).
She has attended a great many courses as lecturer and postgraduate trainee, and she is engaged in the education of residents at Charles Centro Oftalmológico.
She has been part of the medical team of Charles Centro Oftalmológico since 1998.
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