Pediatric ophthalmology

The eye of a child differs from that of an adult in several aspects:

  • Normality parameters vary according to age.
  • The child’s visual system is modified as the child grows and matures.
  • The human eye grows rapidly during the first year of life and then much more slowly until puberty.
  • During the first six weeks after birth, the cornea, the crystalline, etc., change.
  • Any obstacle impeding the formation of sharp images during the critical period of visual maturing or development will result in alterations in the child’s vision.
  • At birth, the retina and the optical path are not mature; they keep developing after birth.

The normal visual development of a child involves different factors; therefore, it is essential to attend all routine ophthalmology checks in order to assure an optimal functioning and development, necessary to interact with the surrounding world.

According to the Argentine Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology (SAOI, in Spanish), the required ophthalmology checks include:

  • Newborn baby
  • 6 months old
  • 1 year old
  • 3 years old
  • 5 years old
  • Every 2 years

In children with history of premature birth, myopia, family history of keratoconus, strabismus, amblyopia, tumors, etc., it is important to have a specific schedule of ophthalmology checks as indicated by the ophthalmology pediatrician.

The early detection of any visual disorder is of utmost importance, as it allows proper rehabilitation and treatment of different ocular problems.

In addition to routine checks where ophthalmology pediatricians indicate preventive measures and recommendations for the proper development of visual health, we also provide alarm guidelines for the cases where a child is required to attend the ophthalmology pediatrician office.

Alarm guidelines:

  • History of premature birth
  • Red reflex alteration, either due to asymmetry or leukocoria (white pupil)
  • Red eyes
  • Headache
  • Eye rubbing
  • High sensitivity to bright lights
  • Learning disorders or deficit
  • Getting closer to the blackboard or the TV
  • Acute strabismus
  • Chronic health conditions: diabetes, epilepsy, kidney disease
  • Heart diseases, café-au-lait spots on the skin, Down Syndrome
  • Family members with visual problems (high myopia, keratoconus, pigmentary
    retinopathy, etc.)
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